In the friendly area of Casas Adobes you’ll be in good company with around 72,021 residents with around 64% of those homeowners. With an average age of 40, the residents of Casas Adobes are well established, made up of families of all age groups. Though fairly kicked back throughout the week, during weekends and holidays, you can see a lot more activity and excitement. Over the recent months roughly 403 homes have been sold with an average sold price of $441,774. That is an increase of $52,488 from the previous period.


Casas Adobes, located in the northern part of Tucson is a charming and vibrant community known for its distinctive Southwestern character. Nestled against the stunning backdrop of the Sonoran Desert, Casas Adobes is characterized by its adobe-style architecture, which pays homage to the region's rich cultural heritage. The area boasts a mix of residential neighborhoods, shopping centers, and local businesses, creating a well-balanced blend of suburban living and commercial activity.  With its picturesque landscapes, cultural diversity, and a sense of community, Casas Adobes offers a unique and inviting lifestyle in the heart of the desert Southwest.


Elementary Schools

 Butterfield Elementary School

Ironwood Elementary School

Thornydale Elementary School

Middle Schools

High Schools

Edge High School

Mountain View High School